Santander Asset Management has a history spanning 46 years and, present in 10 countries, it manages €180.7bn in assets across all types of investment vehicles, from mutual and pension funds to discretionary portfolios and alternative investments. Santander Asset Management’s investment solutions include bespoke Latin American and European fixed income and Equities mandates.
Santander Asset Management UK (SAM UK) was created on 1 January 2007 and currently has over £7.4bn* in assets under management. SAM UK’s objective is to develop investment solutions that aim to deliver consistent performance for their customers. Santander Asset Management is a wholly owned subsidiary of Banco Santander.
Atlas Growth portfolios have been risk profiled by Dynamic Planner since 2013 and fit within the Dynamic Planner Risk Target Managed Service commitment to stay within defined volatility boundaries. The portfolios are actively managed, unfettered multi-asset funds that offer highly competitive fees and charges.
“Atlas Growth portfolios have been risk profiled by Dynamic Planner since 2013 and fit within the Dynamic Planner Risk Target Managed Service commitment to stay within defined volatility boundaries”