Independent risk analysis and research to support your solutions
Dynamic Planner’s unique proposition brings together investment services and financial advice firms to help match people with suitable solutions.
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Investment Risk Profiling
We partner with leading asset managers to review their solutions’ risk profiles each quarter for ongoing investment suitability. This in turn helps advice businesses to match people with suitable solutions through independent, whole of market research.
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Investment Risk Targeting
Risk targeted solutions are managed within clear boundaries and committed to remaining at a given level of risk. Solutions with this badge provide a level of sureity about their risk level that advice firms can rely on.
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Risk Managed Decumulation
We partner with leading asset managers using a dedicated Asset Risk Model to manage sequencing risk. This enables firms using the Dynamic Planner paltform to identify suitable solutions for people withdrawing money from their investments each month.
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Single Strategy Mapped
Providing risk analysis of single strategy solutions for use in the construction of advised portfolios. We partner with leading asset managers to enable their single strategy funds to be visible to 40%+ of UK advice firms.
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Research Reporting
Provide advice businesses with easy access to meaningful metrics on the suitability of different solutions. How does a fund’s performance compare to solutions in its peer group? How volatile has a fund been? What is its sustainability?
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