Market-leading attitude to risk and client profiling questionnaires
Dynamic Planner’s Client Profiling module sets the industry standard, supporting 2 million+ UK investors.
Request DemoA solid foundation for your planning
With Consumer Duty putting customer needs front and centre, understanding your clients and evidencing that understanding have never been more important. This makes having an efficient, self-documenting advice process a distinct business advantage.
Matching the risk the client is willing and able to take with the risk of a recommended investment solution is a vital step towards positive outcomes, as well as client understanding and expectation management. Make profiling the keystone of your client’s wealth and financial planning journey with Dynamic Planner.
Deepening your client understanding
- A scientific, industry standard definition of risk applied consistently throughout the entire Dynamic Planner platform
- Psychometric questionnaires built in partnership with Henley Business School
- Enable your clients to complete questionnaires remotely
- Measure your client’s attitude to risk, and their capacity for risk
- Measure your client’s attitude to sustainable investing
- Assess vulnerability with our Financial Wellbeing questionnaire
Born from ‘outstanding’ academic collaboration
Adopting both original and established academic research, Dynamic Planner’s risk and sustainability questionnaires equip you to accurately capture the complexity of how your client feels, behaves and thinks concerning investing. The questionnaires are psychometric in approach, fusing psychology with statistics, and detailed data development and interpretation.
Attitude to investment risk is a latent variable and something which cannot be directly observed like, say, somebody’s heart rate. To measure effectively, questions exploring different dimensions of a client’s attitude, and proven to be valid, are used to provide insight and paint a picture of someone’s overall attitude to risk.
Dynamic Planner’s market-leading questionnaire measures five elements of a client’s financial personality to help you understand what drives, prevents and enables them to take risk. Together, these elements form a dynamic model that calculates a suggested risk profile for the client.