Independent, whole of market risk analysis

Each quarter, we profile 1,800+ financial solutions using our industry-leading risk model. These, and many more solutions can be found in our Research module.

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Institutional-quality research you can trust

In a landscape defined by good consumer outcomes, Dynamic Planner is home to the institutional-quality research your firm can trust. Our investment research provides a rigorous underpinning for your recommendations, supporting you to match clients with suitable solutions with confidence.

At the heart of Dynamic Planner is our powerful, forward-looking asset risk model that has consistently delivered over its 19 year history, performing within expected value at risk targets through periods of elevated market risk, including the 2008 financial crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic.

The research that drives the model and underpins our menu of services is conducted by our independent in-house team, based on data shared directly by the product provider. Solutions are profiled against the 75-asset class model to provide you with a granular assessment of risk.

Research you can rely on

  • Access independent, whole of market investment research
  • 1,800+ solutions risk profiled each quarter for ongoing suitability
  • Accurately match a recommendation with a client’s risk profile
  • Create firm-level fund shortlists or build your own model portfolios
  • Asset risk model proven over two decades, including in periods of crisis

Suitability aligned to your client’s needs

Dynamic Planner’s whole risk profiled fund universe is analysed each quarter, to provide you with ongoing confidence in the suitability of the solutions you recommend. We risk profile solutions from 150+ leading asset management firms.

Solutions include:

  • 900+ MPS from discretionary managers
  • For even greater suitability, Risk Target Managed solutions, which target a specific investment risk level
  • Risk Managed Decumulation solutions which defend against sequencing risk for your clients who take money from their portfolio each month
  • Solutions independently rated ‘Premium’ or ‘Select’, flagging strong performance over the past five and three years, respectively
“Dynamic Planner governs asset managers’ adherence to its risk measurements and asks them to demonstrate that governance on a quarterly basis. That’s powerful due diligence.”
John Booth, Financial Adviser
Oak County Financial Services
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Next steps…

Product & Platform Research

Client Review

Cash Flow

Digital Client Engagement