At Canada Life Asset Management, we manage more than £37bn of assets, spanning fixed income, equities and property. Being part of one of Canada’s largest financial companies, Great-West Lifeco, we are able to draw on a pool of expertise and resources that enable us to better serve our clients and help them to meet their objectives.
Our 54-strong team of investment professionals is based in the heart of the City of London and has extensive experience across all of the major asset classes. This includes managing UK-domiciled OEIC funds, life and pension strategies and institutional mandates for a wide range of customers. This customer focus is important, as at the heart of our business is a range of investment solutions designed to meet investors’ needs.
This is particularly true in the advisory space, with our Managing Director and CIO David Marchant running approximately £3bn in multi-asset strategies. David manages a wide range of products, bringing together the expertise of our investment team in a number of actively managed risk-target managed and risk-profiled portfolios.
Risk-profiling has been in existence for a long time, with approximately £150bn currently invested in risk-profiled funds (as at 31/12/17). They enabled advisers to outsource the investment decision-making and selection process, freeing up more time to deal with more holistic measures following the retail distribution review in 2012. At Canada Life Investments, we manage a number of risk-profiled funds, providing advisers with products that contain varying degrees of risk, but have some flexibility in allocation. These include the LF Canlife Managed 0%-35% Fund for example.
However, these funds do have the ability to move between risk profiles, potentially becoming unsuitable for some underlying clients. As a result, we launched our risk-target managed Portfolio Funds suite in November 2013, which were managed according to strict asset allocation guidelines. These aim to provide advisers with solutions that would ensure long-term client suitability. We are proud of our long-term track record in this space, with the life and pension versions of these products dating back to 2008. Our significant experience in the area, coupled with ever-increasing popularity of risk-target managed products means we are particularly excited to partner with Dynamic Planner in this space.
*As at 31 Dec 2020
“Ever-increasing popularity of risk target managed products means we are particularly excited to partner with Dynamic Planner in this space”