Over the past few weeks at Dynamic Planner, we have been working to make the Client Review process smoother and more engaging for your clients.
Resuming report editing
The review report editing process has been updated, allowing you to resume a previous session where you last left off. For example, now you can configure and personalise your report one afternoon and carry on the next morning. This also provides a nice way of allowing a paraplanner or admin user to generate and get the report into shape – and then allowing the adviser to come in and review and make any final amends before saving and printing.
You will see the option to continue from your previous session and edits – or to start a new report:
You will need to generate a new report if you wish to make any changes to the underlying client or portfolio data – but if you are simply continuing to personalise an existing report, you can pick up from where you left off.
Report branding options
We have been inspired by how firms are making use of the report branding feature. You can upload your logo (via ‘Edit report logo’) and associated artwork for the review report (via ‘Edit themes’).
To help further foster the ability to personalise reports, we have updated the theme editor to allow you to specify the font colour for the pages with background images. So now if you have a particularly light image, you can choose an alternative colour that will ensure readability and best represent your brand.
Arrangement naming
One small, but important tweak we have made is to be consistent with how we identify different arrangements and policies the client holds.
Both on screen and in reports, we will now use the product name (either as defaulted by Dynamic Planner or specified by you) rather than just the generic type. For example, the report will list the ‘Aviva ISA Portfolio’ rather than just ‘Aviva ISA’.
A small change, but when talking to users over the past few months we understand that being more specific helps, certainly with larger and more complex portfolios. In a related change, you will notice the policy number listed on the charges screen from now on, to help explicitly identify each arrangement.
We hope you find these enhancements to Dynamic Planner useful. As always, your feedback is vital to helping us continue to improve and evolve the service for you. Please leave any feedback you have, however small, in Dynamic Planner’s feedback portal. We do read it all!
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