Walker Crips has added its ALPHA: r² model portfolios to Distribution Technology’s ‘Dynamic Planner’ platform, enabling advisers to assess the long-term investment risks associated with the portfolios against their clients’ risk profiles.
Distribution Technology has reviewed and profiled the 11 portfolios offered by ALPHA: r² within the risk profiles used on Dynamic Planner, assigning a range of scores from three for the Defensive portfolio to eight for the Global Growth portfolio.
The DT risk profiles provide advisers and their clients with a meaningful measure of the risk of fund strategies and a mechanism for selecting solutions appropriate for investor risk appetites and capacity for risk. The measure of risk DT uses for each fund is the estimated volatility as determined using the fund’s internal asset allocations along with the estimates of the returns, volatilities and correlations of the DT primary asset classes.
The ALPHA: r² portfolios were launched in 2015, bringing an institutional approach to risk management to the retail space. The range consists of six traditional portfolios, from defensive to global growth, four income portfolios and an ethical fund. All UK equity holdings are run through an ethical screen, with a focus on demonstrably strong corporate governance.
Gary Waite, ALPHA: r² portfolio manager, Walker Crips, says: “Advisers have a difficult time comparing model portfolio services and need the best possible information when choosing the solution most appropriate for their clients. We are pleased to add our ALPHA: r² model portfolios to Dynamic Planner and make their jobs easier.
“Our strategies operate within a tightly controlled risk framework and are suitable for a variety of client profiles. This partnership will enable advisers to more efficiently select the best solution based on their knowledge of the end investor.”
Chris Jones, Dynamic Planner Proposition Director, said: “We are delighted to add the Walker Crips model portfolios to the comprehensive and varied range of risk targeted solutions our users can easily select within Dynamic Planner. A great deal of work goes into risk profiling to the depth and detail we demand, and we thank Walker Crips for their co-operation and commitment to ensure that their clients and our users enjoy the investment journey they know and expect.
“Dynamic Planner risk profiles more investments than any other service and process in the sector. This new addition of Walker Crips model portfolios only reinforces that fact.”