11th November 2020

Independent review of Dynamic Planner Cash Flow published

by Dynamic Planner

An independent review of Dynamic Planner’s new Cash flow planning service has been published. The Paraplanners Paraplanner Perspective: Dynamic Planner Cash Flow, is available now to download here.

Colin Stewart, in-house at retirement planning expert at The Paraplanners, conducted the review independently with no input from Dynamic Planner other than an initial overview. Colin has hands on experience of working with many of the UK’s cash flow and retirement planning tools on a daily basis. The review explains the experience from a user perspective and draws on comparisons with other tools The Paraplanners team is familiar with.

Richard Allum, Managing Director, The Paraplanners said:

“If you like numbers and forecasting, it’s an exciting time. There is an increasing need for stochastic cash flow modelling in financial planning, and it’s become a vital part of decumulation planning. Of the tools we have seen, Dynamic Planner Cash flow is the easiest to navigate and use. It is highly customisable, but remains simple at the same time. The report is excellent.

“Dynamic Planner Cash flow stands out from some other cash flow systems. There is enough detail in there to get the message across without overwhelming the client. It will help conversations rather than hinder. In short, we would like to pat Dynamic Planner on the back for creating this tool and we’re looking forward to using it.”

Ben Goss, CEO, Dynamic Planner said:

“Paraplanners are an indispensable, critical part of advice firms, and cash flow planning is a crucial tool that paraplanners call on every day to carry out financial planning duties for their clients. We know that paraplanners will want to ensure that their cash flow service of choice is powerful and accurate whilst ensuring suitability – having this independent review from The Paraplanners team gives them objective insight and understanding about what Dynamic Planner can offer them.”

The Paraplanners Paraplanner Perspective: Dynamic Planner Cash flow can be downloaded here.