How can we help you join up suitability and sustainability?
For those of you who couldn’t join us last month for our sustainable investing events, you may not yet have seen the new sustainability questionnaire in Dynamic Planner. This has been specifically purposed to help you engage with your clients in a structured way, so you can properly understand their level of preferences when it […]

What are your clients really thinking about responsible investing?
By Close Brothers Asset Management In January 2021, Close Brothers Asset Management commissioned Censuswide to survey over 2,000 investors across the UK. Those surveyed had an average of £320,000 invested in a general investment account, stocks and shares ISA, self-invested personal pension or share dealing account. Here, we explore some of the key findings. By […]

The trouble with advisory models…
RSMR has been offering model portfolios since 2012 through a number of partnerships and some of you will know RSMR through using these advisory models. We caught up with RSMR’s Ken Rayner to hear about the problems that some of their advisory model clients have been facing. The dreaded quarterly review “We do receive feedback […]

Dynamic Planner Updates – May 2021
By Joshua Knight, Head of Product It’s been a busy few months! And now, in our May release, we’re excited to release a number of exciting changes. Firstly, our new Sustainability questionnaire is now available for all users. You’ll notice the ‘Risk profiling’ process has been reborn as the ‘Client profiling’ process, with its broader […]

EQ Investors portfolios now risk profiled on Dynamic Planner
Advice firms can now benefit from EQ Investors range of solutions being risk profiled on Dynamic Planner. EQ Investors (EQ) is an award-winning B Corp discretionary fund manager focused on sustainable and impact investing and has been running sustainable portfolios since 2012. EQ offers two sustainable solutions for advisers: Positive Impact (active) and Future Leaders […]

Inflation protection – What’s the right recipe?
The key ingredient for inflation protection may be hiding in plain sight By Steve Russell, Investment Director, Ruffer LLP Source: Google trends, Ruffer LLP. Figures represent search interest relative to highest point in the period. 100 equals peak popularity, 50 means the term is half as popular. Inflation is in the news again. Many […]

How does our new sustainable investing questionnaire work?
By Louis Williams, Head of Psychology & Behavioural Insights Advice firms aim to optimise their clients’ investment returns. But the potential impact sustainable investing can have can be misjudged, alongside the importance clients place on returns and their sustainability preferences. As sustainable investing, as a subject, considers managing risk, doing well by doing good, reduced […]

Dynamic planner launches industry’s first psychometric sustainable investing questionnaire
Dynamic Planner is set to launch the industry’s first psychometric Sustainable Investing questionnaire. Launching on 7th May to all advice firms and clients using Dynamic Planner, the ESG investing questionnaire provides a simple, yet academically robust solution to the challenges advisers face when talking to their clients about environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and […]

Three big ESG questions for advisers
A conversation with Ken Rayner, CEO of RSMR As ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) becomes a major theme in investor preferences and adviser-investor conversations, the regulatory pressure also continues to build, with the FCA now fully embedding climate considerations into their remit. RSMR, whose Managed Portfolio Service (MPS) is now available in Dynamic Planner, has […]

Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good as big ESG picture becomes clear
Sustainability and its implications for risk and for the suitability of investment portfolios is now centre stage for all parties across financial services. Environmental, social and governance factors potentially having a negative effect on the value of investments are all in the spotlight. For example, the instances of workforce standards in a company’s supply chain […]

Sustainable investing – Why it’s good to talk to clients now
What is driving growth today in sustainable investing? How can advice firms demonstrate value to their clients here? And what is making some advisers wary of talking about sustainable investing or ESG? Naomi English, Head of ESG Product Strategy at global giant MSCI, delivered a timely keynote at the 2021 Dynamic Planner Conference, answering those […]

Welcome to intelliflo
By intelliflo You may have noticed a change in our intelliflo brand. This new identity is more than just a logo change. It marks the start of an exciting new era for our customers as we bring five companies together across all the countries we serve. On March 1 we announced that we are establishing […]

Multi-asset allocation views: Room to grow
The early part of a year gives investors an opportunity to take stock. Sunil Krishnan – Head of Multi-asset Funds, Aviva Investors – reflects on how the current environment is shaping our views for multi-asset portfolios Despite some clear economic challenges, we are constructive on the outlook for the economy and risk assets. Strict lockdowns […]

Decumulation – Finding tranquillity in the midst of volatility
By Sam Liddle, Sales Director, Church House Investment Management As Covid-19 swept the globe in 2020, its effects were clearly devastating on the lives of individuals and businesses. The ripple effect will likely continue for some years to come, not least on economies and markets. What we see today is a rather volatile market. This […]

Truly engaging financial planning is our vision for a new hybrid world
Speaking virtually to 1000 financial services professionals from across the UK at its 9th Annual Conference this morning, Dynamic Planner’s CEO Ben Goss praised the transformation of the financial planning profession over the last 12 months and claimed that advisers and clients who more fully embrace technology will better weather the challenges to come. He […]

Supporting advisers in the quest for responsible CIPs
By Bordier UK The COVID-19 pandemic and the global response to fight it has steered our lives, economies and financial markets over the past year. Whilst the longer-term effects are still being unraveled, it has become clear that the coronavirus pandemic has given greater prominence to the environmental, social and governance (‘ESG’) agenda; key issues […]

Does lifting lockdown mean lifting markets?
Progress towards easing COVID-19 restrictions is good news for the economy and society. But it has different implications for different asset prices, writes John Roe, Head of Multi-Asset Funds, LGIM Policymakers must strike a difficult balance on the question of when lockdown measures can safely be removed. Vaccination rates in some parts of the world […]

Q4 2020 Multi-asset fund update – Market overview
By Canada Life Asset Management The fourth quarter of 2020 brought a swathe of positive economic, political and medical news, sparking a wave of investor optimism. Despite a resurgence in COVID-19 infection rates in the UK, Europe and the US, global equities and corporate bonds delivered positive returns. Central banks continued to expand their asset […]